Friday, July 23, 2010

You Stay Klassy, Korea


Before I go. I just wanted to thank you for a few things. Thank you for:

  1. adorable little children who, despite being terrors at times, amaze me with their innocence, intelligence, and ability to always see the bright side.
  2. your amazing public transportation. I know I've missed my car, and I'll be able to drive to my heart's content, but I'm sure that after a month of having to fight road rage and pay for a month's worth of gas I'll come back to the buses and subways of Seoul Metropolitan Transportation with open arms. Consider this a preemptive gracias.
  3. being able to justify my copious amounts of Starbucks and Coffee Bean by presenting us with both at every street corner.
  4. embracing Western culture so that I (hopefully) won't fully gorge myself on things like fast food and junk food. I can get my fix of that right here, already!
  5. the adjussis and adjummas that huddle in groups at bus stops and in front of family marts, they share their laughter and chuckles unknowingly with a quiet observer.
  6. the friends who have come, gone, and come back again.
  7. the friends who have stayed.
  8. the friends who I've only met this time around.
  9. alright, also thanks for not completely sucking during World Cup.
  10. keeping the mosquitoes at bay for this long. You can take care of this situation while I'm gone.

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