Saturday, May 23, 2009

Forgive and Forget?

I'm not much of a sports buff... anyone can attest to this. However, the one time I took much interest in sports was unfortunately the Michael Vicks case and his involvement in a dog fighting ring.

Personally, I find this to be one of the most despicable and cruel offenses. Inflicting any sort of pain or death on animals for the sake of "sport" is a barbaric excuse for entertainment. I don't care if it's a part of culture or heritage or tradition. It ain't right.

Coincidentally enough, I was here in Korea when this news broke and I can't believe he is out already. Time flies by, wonder if it did for him while he was in the clanker? Now that he is out and ready to get back to playing with a pigskin, the Humane Society has approached him about partnering up for an anti-dogfighting campaign.

Honestly, this has been the only the article I have read as of yet, but nowhere do I see any sort of motivation for Vick to take this opportunity as a true chance to change and advocate against dogfighting. Did he partake in any sensitivity training or rehabilitation for his involvement in cruelty to animals? Will this just be something where he shows up for the photoshooot and maybe a press conference or two? I doubt he feels any remorse for what he did besides the fact that he was caught.

What are your thoughts? Should "second chances" be the answer to this? What would you do if you were the HS?

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