Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gettin' Antsy With It

So, today is December 15. On December 24 I will be en route to Ho Chi Minh City, aka Saigon.

Still waiting for my Visa for Vietnam along with my new E2 Visa to go along with my new passport because I lost my previous passport. Hope there won't be any complications...

Dec. 24- Arrive in Saigon
Dec. 25- Celebrate Christmas with a steaming bowl of pho. I have yet to try pho and am a little nervous about it, but have been assured it's like beef chicken noodle soup.
Dec. 27- Fly from Saigon to Bangkok
Dec. 29- Take an overnight train down to Koh Samui to meet Jamie
Dec 31-1 Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan hopefully??
Jan. 1- Take overnight train back to Bangkok
Jan. 2- Fly out of Bangkok
Jan. 3- Fly back to Incheon/ Recover in Seoul
Jan. 4- Teach class.

Is this crazy? Will my body be able to take this? Will I psyche myself out once, twice, every day? Yes, yes, yes. We'll see...

1 comment:

  1. S.East Asian Vacations are supposed to be crazy and ridiculous and scary and sometimes stupid but the absolute most fun EVER. I can't wait to trade stories when we both get back. Big Kiss. Sorry I missed you online tonight- hope to catch you in the morning!? Answer your phone or I will call and breathe heavily.

    just kidding. I might giggle though.

