Monday, December 21, 2009

Packing with Lil C

I will be plane bound in a few days and yesterday I started to pack. Yes, I feel like the night before the first day of school and I have my looseleaf paper in my Lisa Frank binder, along with 5 mechanical pencils, 2 blue pens, and 2 red.

I think Little C (aka Casey aka the Cat) knows something is up. She's been observing me cleaning the apartment, opening my closets and putting clothes in. Taking clothes out and putting them back into the closet. Giving me the side eye fueled with suspicion. I'm taking her to Nabiya tomorrow after work, the apartment will definitely be quiet without her. I'm hoping my neighbors will appreciate the silence from my apartment for the next few weeks.
"Oh. I see what you're doing here."
"Iz nots happy and Iz wants to go with yous."

Has anyone tried to go backpacking with a feline before??

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